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Model Diet Calories Per Day

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Looking at models and celebrities may have you wondering what type of diet or exercise program they're following to keep their thin and toned look. Many models have the expert help of trainers, dietitians and an unrestricted budget to help them lose weight or stay trim. While that might not be realistic for everyone, there are some tips and tricks that you can copycat from models and celebrities to help you lose weight. Diet and exercise can help you lose weight and build lean muscle mass. Take measures to keep yourself healthy while you work towards your goals.

  1. 1

    Fill up on vegetables. Vegetables are low calorie, high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They're not only great for a healthy, well-balanced diet, but filling up on these nutrient-dense foods can help support your weight loss.[1]

    • Most adults should consume about 2-3 cups of vegetables daily.[2] This will help you meet your daily recommendation.
    • Aim for 1-2 servings of vegetables at each meal or make half of your meals vegetable based. One serving of vegetables is 1 cup or 2 cups of leafy greens.[3]
    • Filling up on low-calorie foods can help restrict how much other foods you can eat. In addition, making half of your plate vegetables automatically means half of your meal is low calorie.
  2. 2

    Choose lean protein. Many popular weight loss diets promote higher amounts of lean protein. Studies also show that protein may help support weight loss and manage your appetite.[4]

    • The amount of protein you need daily will differ based on your gender, age and activity level. However, eating 1-2 servings of lean protein at each meal will help ensure you're consuming an adequate amount.
    • One serving of protein is about 3-4 ounces. This is about the size of a deck of cards or the palm of your hand.[5]
    • Choose a variety of lean protein foods like legumes, poultry, eggs, lean beef, low-fat dairy products, seafood, pork or tofu.
  3. 3

    Limit carbs. Many celebrity and model diets focus on limiting carbs.[6] This might be a good idea as studies have shown lower carb diets produce faster weight loss.[7]

    • Low carb diets focus on reducing foods that are high in carbohydrates. These typically include fruits, grains, legumes, starchy vegetables, and dairy foods.
    • Ideally, reduce carbs from the grain group the most. Most of the nutrients found in these foods can also be found in protein, fruits, and vegetables.
  4. 4

    Skip the alcohol. Whenever you're trying to lose weight, it's a smart idea to cut out any unnecessary calories. Model and celebrity diets say to ditch the alcohol.[8]

    • Alcohol can be high in calories and provides no nutrition to your body. Skipping these extra calories can help support your weight loss.
    • If you do consume alcohol, keep it to a minimum. Women shouldn't have more than one beverage per day and men shouldn't have more than two.[9]
  5. 5

    Drink a ton of water. Water is essential to any healthy diet. However, adequate hydration is also essential to weight loss.

    • Recommendations range from 8 glasses to 13 glasses a day. Everyone will need slightly different amounts based on their age and activity level.[10]
    • Drinking adequate water can also help manage your appetite. Many times you may feel hungry, when you're actually thirsty - the signals feel and seem the same.[11]
  1. 1

    Take more steps each day. Some models and celebrities have helped increase their calorie burn by increasing how many steps they take each day.[12] Every extra step can help burn more calories.

    • Counting steps can help tell you how active you are throughout the day. The more you're moving, the more calories you burn throughout your entire day.
    • Some health professionals recommend getting in 10,000 steps daily. Although this isn't a formal recommendation, reaching this goal daily signifies you're very active.[13]
    • Any activity beyond what you currently do will result in some health benefits and possibly weight loss.
    • You can purchase a pedometer or download an app for your smartphone to see how active you currently are. Slowly increase your steps over time. Start by just adding in 1,000 steps a day.[14]
  2. 2

    Workout with a friend. Many models and celebrities are seen working out together.[15] When you're exercising with a friend, studies show you're more likely to stick with your workout routine.

    • Studies also show that working out with a friend can help make exercise a long-term habit.
    • Ask a friend, family member or co-worker about exercising together. Schedule in a few sessions a week together.
    • You may also enjoy taking gym classes. Group classes have the benefit of making new friends and enjoying a group atmosphere.
  3. 3

    Exercise in the morning. Celebrity trainers have recommended working out in the morning instead of the afternoon or evenings.[16]

    • While there is some conflicting evidence, there are studies that show workouts in the morning burn more fat.[17]
    • If you plan to hit the gym or exercise in the AM, aim for 150 minutes throughout the week. This is the recommendation for average, healthy adults.[18]
    • Include a variety of cardio exercises like jogging/running, using the elliptical, swimming, dancing or taking aerobic classes.
  4. 4

    Do regular strength training. Models and celebrities always seem to have defined and toned muscles. Including regular strength training can also help you achieve a similar look.

    • Aim to do strength training about 2-3 days a week. Spend 20-30 minutes working all your major muscle groups (arms, legs, core, and back).[19]
    • Always include a rest day in between days where you've performed strength training activities. This will help your muscles recover and repair.
    • Include a variety of exercises like weight lifting (either free weights or with weight machines), yoga, pilates or body weight exercises (like lunges, push-ups or crunches).
  1. 1

    Take it slow. The models that lose the weight and manage to keep it off long-term take it slow and steady.[20] Rapid weight loss isn't sustainable long-term and is more easy to gain back.

    • In general, you want to aim to lose about 1-2 pounds (0.45-0.9 kilograms) a week.[21] This is considered safe, healthy weight loss that will be easier to maintain.
    • Slow and steady weight loss usually results from making smaller lifestyle and diet changes. When you make dramatic changes or follow a crash diet, you're not likely to keep up with that lifestyle.
  2. 2

    Manage stress. Managing stress is something both celebrities and models work on for their emotional health but also to help support weight loss.[22] Keeping stress levels low and in control can help support weight loss and manage hunger and appetite.

    • In times of high stress, it's more difficult to manage cravings as you may feel hungrier and notice it's harder to lose weight. This is a natural response to stress by your body.[23]
    • Keep stress in check. Try journaling, listening to music, going for a walk or talking with a friend for relief.
    • You may also want to try practicing yoga or meditation to help calm and quiet your mind.
    • If home remedies are not working well, or if you feel you need additional help, try seeking the assistance of a therapist or behavioral specialist. They may be able to give you additional guidance and structure for how to manage your stress.
  3. 3

    Indulge in your favorite foods. Even when models are trying to lose weight, they may occasionally indulge in some of their favorite foods or treats.[24] Banning these tasty comfort foods forever isn't realistic and may cause you to have increased cravings over time.

    • The key to weight loss is balance. You can't overindulge in your favorite foods or you may risk slowing weight loss or even gaining weight.
    • Schedule in special treats into your week or month. Knowing they are coming up or are planned, can help you compensate for those extra calories. You might go to the gym more often, do longer workouts or eat lighter on the days you're planning to indulge.
  1. 1

    Talk to your doctor about your goals. Losing weight, and maintaining your ideal body weight once you achieve it, can be very difficult. Depending on your current weight and health status, a strict diet and exercise regimen can also create potential health risks. Talk to your doctor before starting any new weight loss regimen.[25]

    • Your doctor can help you set healthy weight loss goals and suggest safe strategies for losing weight.
    • Your doctor might also be able to refer you to a registered dietitian or fitness professional who can help you create and achieve realistic goals.
  2. 2

    Set realistic goals for yourself. Everyone's body is different. Weight loss can be more difficult (and potentially unhealthy) for some people than for others. Before trying to achieve a runway model physique, give some serious thought to what sorts of weight-loss goals you can reasonably attain. Aim for goals that are SMART[26]

    • Specific. Plan out exactly how much exercise you are going to do each week, or how many calories you are going to consume every day.
    • Measurable. Keeping your goals measurable will help you pinpoint how successful you are at meeting them. For example, while you can't measure a goal like "eating healthier," you can definitely measure a goal like "eating 1,200 calories per day."
    • Attainable. Consider whether you have the time, resources, and physical ability to meet your goals. Are your daily exercise goals compatible with your work schedule? Do your diet plans meet your specific health/nutritional needs?
    • Realistic. There is only so much weight that you can safely lose in a given amount of time. Talk to your doctor or dietitian about what kind of weight loss you can realistically hope to attain.
    • Trackable. You should be able to measure your progress in some way, whether it is through weekly weigh-ins or keeping a diary of your physical activity and calorie intake every day.
  3. 3

    Educate yourself about the risks of a model's lifestyle. Keep in mind that models often take extreme and dangerous measures to lose or maintain weight. Models are at high risk for developing physical and psychological problems as a result of the unhealthy and unrealistic demands placed on them by the fashion industry. Read about the potential risks to your mental and physical health before attempting to achieve a runway model physique.[27]

    • Runway models are especially prone to developing eating disorders like anorexia.
    • In some countries, new laws are being put in place to prohibit modeling agencies from hiring models whose weight falls below a healthy limit for their body type.[28]

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  • Question

    Can I just cut calories and lose weight?

    Pouya Shafipour, MD, MS

    Dr. Pouya Shafipour is a Family Medicine Specialist, Primary Care Physician, and a Weight Loss Specialist based in Santa Monica, California. Dr. Shafipour specializes in dietary, nutritional, behavioral, and exercise counseling to manage obesity and medical conditions related to excessive weight gain or loss. Dr. Shafipour received a BS in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley, an MS in Physiology and Biophysics from Georgetown University, and an MD from the Loma Linda University School of Medicine. He completed his internship in general surgery at UC Irvine and a residency in family medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, and became board certified in family medicine in 2008.

    Pouya Shafipour, MD, MS

    Weight Loss Specialist

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    You can lose some weight doing this. This is certainly what a lot of people do. Unfortunately, this isn't always a recipe for success, though. If you run a caloric deficit, you're going to be cranky and hungry all the time. It's more about exercising and eating high-quality foods than it is strictly about cutting down on how much you eat.

  • Question

    What should I do if I want to gain weight like a model?

    Pouya Shafipour, MD, MS

    Dr. Pouya Shafipour is a Family Medicine Specialist, Primary Care Physician, and a Weight Loss Specialist based in Santa Monica, California. Dr. Shafipour specializes in dietary, nutritional, behavioral, and exercise counseling to manage obesity and medical conditions related to excessive weight gain or loss. Dr. Shafipour received a BS in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley, an MS in Physiology and Biophysics from Georgetown University, and an MD from the Loma Linda University School of Medicine. He completed his internship in general surgery at UC Irvine and a residency in family medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, and became board certified in family medicine in 2008.

    Pouya Shafipour, MD, MS

    Weight Loss Specialist

    Expert Answer

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    Weight gain is generally more challenging than weight loss. It requires a healthy diet that's high in complex carbohydrates and fruits. You also need plenty of healthy protein along with exercise to help build lean mass.

  • Question

    I am going to send out my portfolio to Ford Modeling, and I feel I need to lose maybe 5 pounds. How long should this take me if I follow these steps?

    Michele Dolan

    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

    Michele Dolan

    Certified Fitness Trainer

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  • Question

    I'm not so much fat, but when I started drinking a lot of water, I started to have a fat tummy. What type of exercise do I need to have a flat tummy?

    Michele Dolan

    Michele Dolan is a BCRPA certified Personal Trainer in British Columbia. She has been a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

    Michele Dolan

    Certified Fitness Trainer

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  • Keep in mind that many models' pictures are airbrushed, so keep your expectations realistic. You want to aim for a healthy weight and a healthy body, not just being thin.

  • Not being a model doesn't mean that you're not beautiful.

  • Remember that everybody is different. Your overall build and genetic makeup may mean that attaining a runway-model type physique is not a realistic goal for you. Work towards embracing your specific, personal type of beauty rather than aiming for a standard set by somebody else.

  • Keep in mind that the media may promote a type of diet done by a model or celebrity that is not generally safe or recommended for most people. Just because a model lost weight on a specific diet program doesn't mean that will be safe or effective for you.

  • Always talk to your doctor prior to starting any weight loss plan. They'll be able to tell you if weight loss is safe and appropriate for you.[29]

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Article SummaryX

While many models and celebrities have the expert help of trainers and dieticians to help them lose weight and stay toned, there are some simple tips and tricks that you can use to stay trim and fit. Before starting any diet, you may want to talk to your doctor to make sure you're getting enough nutrients and that you've set healthy, realistic goals. Remember, while models might have enviable bodies, they can also suffer from unhealthy relationships with food and exercise. To eat like a model, eat 1 to 2 servings of vegetables at every meal since they're low in calories and high in fiber. You'll also want to choose lean proteins, like legumes, eggs, and low-fat dairy, to support your weight loss. Another way to feel full and stay healthy is to drink 8 to 13 glasses of water a day and skip alcoholic drinks, which are higher in calories. In addition to what you eat, you'll also want to think about how you move. Aim to get 10,000 steps every day to help you burn more calories. Also, try to strength train 2 to 3 times a week for more defined, toned muscles. For more tips from our Personal Trainer co-author, including how to set realistic weight loss goals, keep reading!

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Model Diet Calories Per Day
