Los Angeles to San Diego by Car How Long
The driving time from Los Angeles, California to San Diego, California is:
1 hour, 57 minutes
Average driving speed: 61.3 mph
Kilometers per hour: 98.7 km/h
This is based on typical traffic conditions for this route.
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Driving time from Los Angeles, CA to San Diego, CA
How long is the drive from Los Angeles, CA to San Diego, CA? The total driving time is 1 hour, 57 minutes.
Your trip begins in Los Angeles, California. It ends in San Diego, California.
If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Los Angeles, CA to San Diego, CA.
You can also calculate the cost to drive from Los Angeles, CA to San Diego, CA based on current local gas prices and an estimate of your car's best gas mileage.
If you're meeting a friend, you might be interested in finding the city that is halfway between Los Angeles, CA and San Diego, CA.
Planning to fly a plane instead? You might be more interested in calculating the flight time from Los Angeles, CA to San Diego, CA.
It's just a short distance from Los Angeles to San Diego. If you love beaches and sunset, we recommend stops at Oceanside and Encinitas.
Located at San Diego's North Shore, Oceanside is a California beach community with sandy beaches, historic wooden pier like the Oceanside Pier and Cape Cod-style harbor village.
Oceanside Pier is the longest wooden pier on the West Coast. At 1,942 feet it is a great place for a stroll, watch the sunset and dine, fish or watch surfers ride a wave. Breakwater Way Beach may be the place to go if you are looking for quiet sandy beach. It is located within walking distance from Oceanside Pier.
Encinitas is about 30 minutes from San Diego. Known as one of the 20 best surf towns in the world, Encinitas has a selection of surf shops, sidewalk cafés and local shops.
Try out surfing, paddle boarding, boogie boarding or body surfing in Swami's, Encinitas. For a unique beach experience head over to Moonlight Beach's fire rings, post-sunset bonfires and barbecues.
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Los Angeles to San Diego by Car How Long
Source: https://www.travelmath.com/driving-time/from/Los+Angeles,+CA/to/San+Diego,+CA