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The Wisdom of Compassion Dalai Lama Pdf

The Dalai Lama How To Be Compassionate pdf. Compassionate life. Why Compassion and Tolerance Are Important

The book, which the reader holds in his hands, is written in a very accessible way - which was facilitated by the Dalai Lama's long-standing passion for science and thirty years of communication with scientists different countries- and draws on the ancient Tibetan techniques for transforming the mind and heart. This once again reminds us: so that such techniques are not forgotten, it is necessary that their homeland does not disappear. For the light that we see in the teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama has its source in a certain spiritual culture. This culture offers us the insights and practices that we and the world so badly need.

The Dalai Lama - How to Be Compassionate: The Best Tibetan Principles for Peace of Mind and Happiness in the World

His Holiness the Dalai Lama; [per. from English G. G. Yastrebova]. - M.: Eksmo, 2013 .-- 224 p .: ill. - (Religion. Buddhism).

ISBN 978-5-699-61912-2

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Jeffrey Hopkins, Ph.D. HOW TO BE COMPASSIONATE A Handbook for Creating Inner Peace and a Happier World

Translated from English by Gleb Yastrebov

Translator's Foreword

Introduction. Find out the source of happiness

    Does anger protect you?

    Finding out that difficult circumstances can be beneficial

    Caring for Others as a Path to Happiness

    Trouble from ourselves

    Loss of understanding in stressful situations

    Readiness for change

    Is anger good for you?

    Conflict between appearance and reality

    The malleable nature of consciousness

    Compassion, the root of relationship

    Compassion, the path to comfort

    Equal Compassion

Conclusion. Compassion, the foundation of human rights

Exercise overview

The Dalai Lama - How to be Compassionate - Foreword

Everything in our life flows and changes. It's not easy for us. However, if one encounters difficulties with a calm and clear mind, fully armed with spiritual practice, much can be overcome. But when the brain is clouded with hatred and selfishness, jealousy and anger, we not only lose control of ourselves, but also lose the ability to reason. In these minutes we can do anything. Destructive emotions pollute our view of the world by making healthy life impossible.

Hence, it is necessary to purify the inner vision with wisdom and compassion.

When we are in the grip of defilements, we lose one of our greatest virtues - independence. For at least this moment, our mind is in confusion in which sound judgment suffers. Being in captivity of lust or hatred, we do not think about whether to behave in one way or another; we say stupid things, we make strange gestures. Then, when we look back, we feel embarrassed for ourselves: what has gotten over us? While we were under the influence of a strong emotion, the ability to distinguish good from bad, appropriate from inappropriate, could not manifest itself in any way.

It is clear that it is important to overcome adverse conditions. However, when they try to overcome them with hatred, new problems arise, because hatred is not able to see the situation correctly and impartially. Overcoming must go through analysis: consideration of the facts and identification of the true situation. Then there will be no negative side effects.

Only people have the ability to reason: we understand the consequences and think in the long term. People are also capable of unlimited love, while animals are only capable of limited love. However, when people get angry, all this potential disappears. No enemy, no matter what weapon he may have, is capable of destroying these qualities. And anger can do it. He is a destroyer. When animals act out of anger or lust, it is temporary and superficial for them, since they are not capable of various forms of destruction and of acting more and more destructively. People have richer opportunities: they can use their intellect not only for great good, but also for great evil.

The mind plays a key role. Self-destructive aspirations do not appear by themselves, but out of ignorance. Success also lies in ourselves. From self-discipline, self-awareness, and a clear understanding of the bad consequences of anger and the good consequences of kindness, happiness and peace flow. Let's say you get annoyed quickly. If you cultivate a clear understanding and a clear awareness, irritability will first decrease and then disappear altogether.

By allowing anger to dominate love and compassion, the best of our intelligence will be sacrificed: wisdom, the ability to discern right from wrong. Along with selfishness, anger is one of the most serious problems. modern world... He plays big role in ongoing conflicts in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and between highly industrialized and economically undeveloped countries. These conflicts stem from a reluctance to understand how much we have in common.

They cannot be solved by force of arms, as well as by purely political and technological means. The problems we face cannot be explained by the fault of any one person or by the action of one factor: we are faced with the result of our own irresponsibility. And the emphasis on what we have in common is very important. Hatred and conflict have brought happiness to anyone else, even to the victors. Violence always breeds unhappiness and is therefore counterproductive.

But where does happiness come from in a world full of hatred and anger? If you look at the long history of turmoil, it becomes clear: we must look for a way to live differently. Attempts by powers to dominate each other through an arms race (whether nuclear, chemical, biological or conventional) do not lead to good. The sale of weapons - thousands upon thousands of weapons and ammunition by manufacturers in great countries - fosters violence, but hatred, lack of compassion, and disrespect for the rights of others are even more dangerous than rifles and bombs. The external world is impossible without the internal world. As long as there is hatred in the mind, there will be no real peace. Problems can be solved only by truly peaceful means: not just by talking about peace, but by actions based on a peaceful mind and a peaceful heart. Only in this way will we make our world a better place.

Wherever we look, there are no provocateurs more dangerous than anger and selfishness. By selfishness, I mean self-obsession that leads to attempts to manipulate other people. As long as anger reigns over us, we have no chance of achieving lasting happiness. To find peace, calmness and true friendship, it is necessary to minimize anger and develop kindness, a kind heart. As we become better, our neighbors, friends, parents, spouses and children will feel less anger, and this will help them become kinder, more compassionate and more harmonious. The atmosphere will improve, which will benefit your physical health. This is the way to change the world.

The time has come for all of us, including world leaders, to learn to think wider and understand that we are all, regardless of race, culture and ideology, are in the same boat. This is important for each individual person individually, and for families, communities, for nations and the world as a whole.

Countries that have made great material progress are beginning to understand that the state of society and our physical well-being are closely related to the state of our mind. This is where major changes should begin. Everyone needs to work on changing their personal attitudes. And this requires spiritual work. We need to change to see other people and ourselves differently.

Why Compassion and Tolerance Are Important

There are different levels of happiness. Physical happiness is often associated with material things, and mental happiness - with inner and spiritual development. Since our sense of "I" is a dual-physical and mental aspect, attention to both sides is necessary. Equilibrium is important here for the good of human society.

Worldwide development plans are driven by a fundamental desire to achieve happiness and alleviate suffering. However, thinking about the long term is important not only in terms of protection external environment... An internal strategy is also needed, which is directed far into the future. It is a noble business to work on external solutions, however, they will not bring the desired success as long as anger and hatred reign in the mind. Living in a society, we must share the suffering of our neighbors, be tolerant and merciful not only to those who are sympathetic to us, but also to our enemies.

And we must set an example with our behavior - talking alone will not convince us of the correctness of our values. It is necessary to live in accordance with those high standards of ethics and self-sacrifice that we instill in others. It takes moral strength. The highest goal of the course on compassion is to serve people, to bring them good. It is very important to take care of the happiness and peace of all beings without exception, and for this one cannot do without internal change.

In our life, unfavorable circumstances constantly arise: one, the other, the third ... If we give vent to emotions, lust, hatred and confusion will only bring new suffering. People who reject the practice of changing themselves usually do not see anything bad in anger and lust, do not consider these destructive emotions to be poison, but allow themselves to be driven by these feelings. Conversely, those who use these practices understand the need to avoid lust and anger. For the most part, these people are more peaceful and happier.

I do not agree with the widespread opinion that there is no place for ethics in politics, and that spirituality requires an escape from the world. This concept reflects a misunderstanding of a person's place in society and the role of compassion in our lives. Yes, religions often call for getting rid of attachment to the world. However, this does not mean that a spiritual person cannot contribute to positive change.

In 1954, I went to Beijing to meet with Mao Zedong. And during our last meeting in 1955, he said: "Religion is poison for two reasons. First, it harms the health of the nation. Secondly, it reduces the population. " He believed that if many became monks, it would hit the birth rate. In hindsight, it is true, it is clear that China, with its overpopulation, would not hurt to increase the number of monks! In general, Mao did not understand what religion is. I did not understand that its essence is to care for other people.

Ethical behavior will not hurt a politician. Moreover, when politicians and rulers forget about moral principles, it does not lead to anything good. Regardless of whether we believe in God or in karma (the meaning of our actions and their consequences), strong moral values ​​are the foundation of society, the foundation of everyday life.

However, the good intentions of all religions and philosophies are not enough: we must embody them day after day in social action. Only then will we fully realize the value of these teachings.

When you develop a desire to contribute to the happiness of others, you become more human. The highest goal of changing the mind is precisely to help others, and for this it is necessary to remain in society, to do everything possible for people. As your inner growth progresses, you will be able to bring more and more benefits.

Resist destruction

We all want happiness and do not want suffering. And since the pain that we seek to avoid is mainly due to the wrong state of mind, it is necessary to understand whether something can be opposed to destructive emotions. If, say, anger causes suffering, an antidote to anger must be found.

Anger and compassion are opposite ways of looking at the same reality. These are diametrically opposite states of mind.

If the room is too hot, you can reduce the heat only by letting in the cold. As heat and cold are opposite to each other, so are anger and compassion. The more you develop one, the less the other becomes. Here lies the path to overcoming, and ultimately to the elimination of counterproductive states of mind. There are antidotes. They just need to be found and applied.

To better deal with your problems, imagine that you are a sick person who suffers from three dangerous diseases: lust, hatred and ignorance. Transformational practices are like medicines. They bring healing from these internal ailments. The practice of compassion is a cure for the fatal self-obsession.

The only source of peace within us, within our family, country and the world in general is love and compassion. We all want to live meaningfully, to live for the sake of something. And when we gain a good heart, when we become a friend to all living beings, our life just acquires purpose and meaning. Altruism is a medicine, for it is real life.

How to help

It is necessary to live altruistically, to live not only for one's own good, but also for the good of society. As I said, if outer well-being is combined with inner kindness, that in itself will make life more fulfilling. This means that you need to take care of the world as a whole: build schools, hospitals, factories, etc. However, since happiness comes mainly from an inner attitude, helping others should not be limited to providing people with food, clothing and shelter. It is necessary to replace the root causes of suffering with the root causes of happiness.

Let's take an analogy: if the state is governed wisely, people are given the education that will enable them to better manage their lives. The situation is similar with altruism. One of better ways helping people is about explaining which behavior will bring good and which - destructive results.

People must learn to see what the path to their own happiness is for them.

Each of us is responsible for all of humanity, and for immediate environment in which he lives. We must see each other as brothers and sisters, take care of each other's well-being. It is necessary to try to reduce the suffering of others. Instead of putting all your energy into enrichment, it is important to do something meaningful, something useful. And for this it is necessary to understand that the whole world is a part of ourselves.

Fools think only of themselves, and this does not lead to good. Sages think of others, help them with all their might. And they are happy! Love and compassion make happy not only those to whom we give them, but also ourselves. Through kindness to people, our mind and heart find peace.

If we find inner world, it will increase unity, harmony and cooperation in our environment. If you then gradually expand this hotbed of peace, through joint efforts, you can create mutual trust, mutual respect, sincere communication on the planet, and, ultimately, solve world problems. All this is absolutely real. But the first step is to change yourself.

Now let's talk about the mistakes we often make and how to deal with them. Let's tackle the problem of anger first, then lust (which is often behind anger). This, in turn, will lead us to an analysis of the exaggeration underlying self-destructive emotions. I will outline some techniques that I hope will help alleviate your problems and cultivate a kinder attitude that will benefit both you and those around you. If you find these techniques helpful, please apply them. If not, put them aside for now. Perhaps they will come in handy later.

Mistake: using anger to combat anger

It is possible that if you are a modest, honest and unpretentious person, some of your friends and acquaintances, colleagues and competitors will use it. If you leave it on its own, it could backfire on you, or your family, or someone else. However, anger cannot be defeated by anger. If a person is angry with you, and you respond in kind, the consequences will be bad. If you cultivate hatred in yourself, you will not be happy even in the midst of luxury. Conversely, if you keep your anger in check and develop love and compassion, patience and tolerance, not only will you be at peace, but the anger of others will gradually decrease.

As everyone knows, anger blocks the way for the world. A peaceful mind is achieved only through kindness and love. While anger can lead to temporary success and short-term gratification, in the long run it only creates new challenges. (There is no need to list how many times this has happened in history, including in the 21st century.) In anger, everything happens quickly. When we solve problems with genuine concern for other people, success may not be achieved overnight. However, it will be more durable.

Let's say someone wants to offend you. First of all, you need to understand that there is also a person in front of you, and he also has the right to happiness. If you have respect and compassion for him, you can choose the right course of action according to the circumstances. You may need to act decisively, but the main thing is not to lose compassion.

Moreover, without compassion, the problem cannot be solved at all: anger and irritation will only aggravate it. Of course, if you feel threatened or hurt by a person, compassion may not be easy. Try again and again, however, and you will see that you can react fundamentally without losing love.

An important caveat: anger should be controlled, but not hidden from oneself. You need to be aware of your reactions, otherwise compassion will be superficial. It's hard to feel compassion for someone if they're acting ugly or mean to you, but it's kind of like a parent-child relationship. When the child does not obey or behaves stupidly, the mother needs to stop that behavior. Perhaps she will scold him or even punish him, but she will definitely feel compassion for him. This is the way to solve the problem.

The book of the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people of the fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso is a collection of simple and at the same time deep thoughts that the author has suffered in his monastic career. His Holiness claims that everything we need in life is in ourselves, we just need to understand our own beauty and the beauty of other people, the possibilities of true happiness and peace here and now. The call for sanity and kindness, which is so lacking in our world, is expressed in simple accessible words, which makes the timeliness of this call even more obvious. The 14th Dalai Lama has devoted his life to promoting compassion and understanding since the communist China took over Tibet in 1959. He pays special attention to interfaith dialogue and sciences. His tireless search for a peaceful solution to the conflict in his homeland earned him worldwide recognition. In 1989 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Dalai Lama lives in Dharamsala, India.

On our website you can download the book "The Compassionate Life" Dalai Lama XIV (Tenzin Gyatso) free of charge and without registration in fb2, epub, pdf format, read the book online or buy a book in the online store.

Compassionate life - description and summary, by Gyatso Tenzin, read for free online at electronic library

The book of the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people of the fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso is a collection of simple and at the same time deep thoughts that the author has suffered in his monastic career. His Holiness claims that everything we need in life is in ourselves, we only need to understand our own beauty and the beauty of other people, the possibilities of true happiness and peace here and now. The call for sanity and kindness, which is so lacking in our world, is expressed in simple accessible words, which makes the timeliness of this call even more obvious.

The 14th Dalai Lama has devoted his life to promoting compassion and understanding since the communist China took over Tibet in 1959. He pays special attention to interfaith dialogue and sciences. His tireless search for a peaceful solution to the conflict in his homeland earned him worldwide recognition. In 1989 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Dalai Lama lives in Dharamsala, India.

Description: The book includes the Dalai Lama's memories of his life in Tibet and the sad events that brought that life to an end. This book was written by His Holiness in 1962, shortly after emigrating to India, and almost immediately it was translated into dozens of languages ​​of the world. In the Russian language, the later autobiographical work of the Dalai Lama, "Freedom in Exile", appeared earlier.

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Posted by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama
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Release date: 2006
Publisher: Open World
Pages: 192 pages
ISBN 5-9743-0033-5
Format: PDF
Size: 4.1Mb

Description: It is a great honor and joy for us to dedicate this book The Power of Compassion, first published in Russian, to our spiritual leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, which the entire progressive world will celebrate July 6, 2005.

The Power of Compassion by His Holiness the Dalai Lama is not a religious book. This is a book about the moral aspects of our society, about universal human values; about those positive changes that the ideas of humanism can bring to our lives; that only a society built on a solid foundation of love, compassion and mutual understanding can live in peace and harmony.

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By: His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, H.K. Cutler
Translation: Chebotarev
Release date: 2003
Publisher: Sofia
ISBN: 5-9550-0195-6
Pages: 336s
Format: PDF
Size: 3.5 Mb

Description: This book is a wonderful fusion of two points of view - the Buddhist approach to solving the internal problems of the world's greatest spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and the very precise and important questions for the Western reader, as asked by psychologist and psychiatrist Howard Cutler, as well as the meditations offered by the Dalai Lama. for solutions psychological problems and achieving a state of happiness and peace with oneself, and examples from the practice of psychotherapist Cutler.

It is not in vain that this rare book has become one of the most outstanding bestsellers in the United States and other countries. We are happy to present it to the Russian-speaking reader.

Download from The art of being happy. Life Guide (3.5 MB)
Download from The art of being happy. Life Guide (3.5 MB)
Author: 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Translator: Terentyeva M.
Year: 1995
Publisher: Tuva News
Format: PDF
Size: 160 Kb

Description: The Dalai Lama's address to the people of Tuva was recorded during his visit to Tuva in 1995.

I think the purpose of life is to be happy. From the moment of birth, everyone wants happiness and does not want suffering. And neither social conditions, neither education nor ideology influences this. At the very core of our lives, we simply wish for contentment. And I do not know whether the universe, with all the countless galaxies, stars and planets, has a deeper meaning or not, but it is clear that we, the people living on this earth, are facing the task of creation. happy life for ourselves. Therefore, it is very important to learn about the reason for the highest happiness.


The world of Tibetan Buddhism
Author: Dalai Lama
Publisher: Nartang

Year: 2002
Pages: 230
Russian language
Format: pdf, fb2
Size: 1.4 Mb

This book is compiled from lectures given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in London in 1988. Covering all aspects of Buddhist theory and practice, His Holiness is very clear and direct in explaining both the basics of the Dharma and the most little-known and intimate aspects of tantra.


My spiritual biography
Author: Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)

ISBN: 978-5-89533-223-8
Year of publication: 2010
Publisher: Dekom
Series: Age of Aquarius
Format: RTF, FB2, EPUB
Size: 1 Mb

Description: The Dalai Lama's story is a bridge between the past and the future: he shares his childhood memories as naturally as he does stories from his past lives, citing thirteen predecessors and reflecting on his successor. He often speaks about his role as the spiritual leader of Tibet, about the need to speak on behalf of his people, comments on how his activities are perceived by the world community.

The peculiarity of this spiritual biography is that it is built around his three main life missions: as a person, he confirms the importance of cultivating spiritual qualities in common good; as a Buddhist monk - calls for dialogue with other religions, with unbelievers, with scientists; like the Dalai Lama - pursues a policy of kindness and appeals to the conscience of the world.

The book's compiler Sophia Stril-Revere has been collecting the speeches of the Dalai Lama for over fifteen years. The film "The Dalai Lama: Life After Life" was shot according to her script. In January 2009, the Dalai Lama personally endorsed Ms. Streeel-Revere's work in publishing her speeches.

How to give love
Author: Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)
Translation: A. Osipov, D. Dubrovitsky
Release date: 2007
Formats: RTF, FB2, EPUB
Size: 780 Kb

All over the world, love must conquer intolerance; knowledge - to dispel the darkness of ignorance; united and coordinated efforts - to take the place of passive acceptance of their fate and despair; dialogue should replace mutual accusations; progressive legal system - revenge and intimidation; high morality - appeal to low instincts; recognition of the world's humanistic laws - the widespread violation of human rights. Only our combined efforts and time can overcome the escalation of stupidity and greed.

I really hope that this book about love, in which His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks about the ancient techniques for transforming the heart and mind, will help us succeed in the main thing - finding love and compassion for each other.

Jeffrey Hopkins, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Tibetology, University of Virginia


Kindness, purity of thoughts and insight
Author: Dalai Lama XIVth
ISBN: 5-85552-008-0 978-5-85552-008-8
Publisher: Peace through Culture
Year of publication: 1993
Format: rtf, fb2, epub
Size: 900 kb

This is the first book by the Dalai Lama to be translated into Russian and published in Russia. It contains twenty lectures given by him in the period 1979-1981, during his visits to the USA and Canada, translated by V.P. Androsov.

Many of the chapters of this book have been circulating on the Internet for a long time in the form of separate texts (Four Noble Truths, Karma, Meditation, Eight Verses Exercising the Mind, The Path to Enlightenment, The Union of Old and New Schools of Translation).

Compassionate life
Author: Dalai Lama XIVth

Release date: 2004
Transl. from English -
Publisher: M .: Publishing House "Sofia" LLC,
Pages: - 144 p.
ISBN 5-9550-0424-6
Formats: RTF, FB2, EPUB
Size: 440 kb

The book of the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people of the fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso is a collection of simple and at the same time deep thoughts that the author has suffered in his monastic career. His Holiness claims that what we need in life is in ourselves, we only need to understand our own beauty and the beauty of other people, the possibilities of true happiness and peace here and now. The call for sanity and kindness, which we so lack in our world, is expressed in simple accessible words, which makes the timeliness of this call even more obvious.


Compassion and personality. The global community and the need for universal responsibility
Posted by His Holiness the Dalai Lama XIV

Release date: 2004
Transl. from English - M. Terentyeva
Publisher: Center for Tibetan Culture and Information
Formats: RTF, FB2, EPUB
Size: 363 kb

Description: The Center for Tibetan Culture and Information, which has been operating in Moscow since 1993, invites you to familiarize yourself with two of his works published in Russian in honor of the 60th anniversary of the official recognition of His Holiness as the Fourteenth Dalai Lama:

Compassion and Individual
The Global Community and the Need for Universal Responsibility

The power of good. The Dalai Lama on how to make your life and the world a better place
By Daniel Goleman
Publisher: Alpina Publisher
Year: 2016
Pages: 330
Russian language
Format: rtf
Size: 0.5 mb

Have you ever wondered: why every person strives for happiness, but only a few achieve it? Most of us understand happiness as success or endless pleasure, but success always gives way to failure, and joy to sadness. Life, as you know, is full of injustice, disease, grief and inevitably ends in death - is it possible at all to be happy here?

According to Buddhists, it is possible, but only here and now and only if you get off the emotional swing of success and failure. How do Buddhists manage to realize the gravity of life, but be happy and maintain the famous Buddhist sense of humor? The Dalai Lama talks about this in a book co-authored with Daniel Goleman.

In simple stories and dialogues, the Dalai Lama explains what we can do to establish harmony in own life, and in the world around us, to change it for the better for ourselves and future generations.

The Wisdom of Compassion Dalai Lama Pdf
